Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Photography Tutorials For Beginners

One of the best ways to learn is from tutorials. That's why I'm going to show you how to find the best photography tutorials for beginners.

However, before we get into that, it's crucial that you have a basic understand of how the camera and composition works. Otherwise you would end up simply following the steps in the tutorial without really knowing what you do, or learn things that you don't know how to apply in a real life situation.

What is the first thing I need to know?

The first thing you need to know is how to use your camera. Just knowing how to push down the shutter button is not enough.

If words like aperture, shutter speed or ISO sound like Greek to you, then these are the first photography concepts you need to master. For beginners, these terms often seem a bit complicated, but once you've learn what they do and experimented a bit with them, you will have the basic understanding to enable you to benefit from most tutorials.


Once you've mastered the camera, the next thing you need to learn is composition.

All though there are rules and guidelines for composition, the best way to learn how to compose a picture, is to take a lot of pictures. There is only so much you can learn from just reading about it.

To help you get started, keep the following things in mind:

- Avoid distractions in the picture that can draw the attention away from the subject

- Experiment by taking some vertical photos

- Remember that you can use software like Photoshop to crop your pictures on the computer.


One of the greatest advantages by owning a DSLR is that you can easily change lenses. The reason why this is important is that the lens greatly determines how the image will turn out.

If you want to do landscape photography, you want a good wide-angle lens. If you're more a fan of portraits, you should get a good telephoto lens. And if you want to get really close, like taking a picture of an ant, you need to make sure that your lens is capable of macrophotography.

However, even if you're stuck with a fixed lens camera, you can still do some cool stuff.

Now that you know what you need to know to get the most out of photography tutorials for beginners, let's get started.

Where are the tutorials?
To find a good overview of the best photography tutorials for beginners, please go to my blog now:

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